Bald Eagle: America's National Bird - Facts, Habitat, and Behavior
• species
Bald Eagle Complete Guide
The Bald Eagle, America’s national symbol, represents one of conservation’s greatest success stories.
Physical Characteristics
- Wingspan: 6-7.5 feet
- Weight: 6.5-14 pounds
- White head (adult)
- Dark brown body
- Yellow beak and feet
Hunting and Diet
Primary Prey
- Fish (main food source)
- Waterfowl
- Small mammals
- Carrion
Hunting Techniques
- Soaring reconnaissance
- Surface fishing
- Prey pirating
- Cooperative hunting
- Largest bird nests in North America
- Can weigh up to 2000 pounds
- Used for multiple years
- Both parents incubate
Conservation Status
- Recovered from endangered status
- Current threats
- Protection measures
- Population trends